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Maternity Services


The Midwife works with the Doctor to give care to women having a baby, both before and for ten days after the baby is delivered. Ante-natal appointments are now generally provided by the Midwife at the hospital or satellite clinic.

For further help and advice please phone Eden Midwife Unit, Chalmers Hospital on 01261 819129.

The role of the midwife

A Midwife is a Qualified Nurse who has undertaken further training to provide and promote normal midwifery.

They help you to prepare for motherhood and promote good health for yourself and your baby by advising on the effects of drinking, smoking and good diet whilst you are pregnant.

The Midwife guides you through your pregnancy and endeavours to detect any problems and make relevant referrals if necessary.

Your antenatal care

When you first learn that you’re pregnant, get in touch with a Midwife or GP as soon as possible. Ideally this should be by 10 weeks of your pregnancy. Telling your GP and/or Midwife promptly will help to make sure you receive maternity healthcare that takes into account all your health needs and preferences.

NHS Inform provides further details on all aspects of antenatal care. Click on the links below to go straight to the relevant section: